Thursday, September 18, 2008

Farewell to a dear friend...Jen's last playgroup

Enjoying some outdoor fun on Kyle's new playstructure and Tyler & Kyle on the bike
The new generation playgroup - Dante & Braxton - The girls - Alli pushing Abrianna

The boys are having so much fun...Brody, Tyler, Tyler James, Massimo & Kyle

I had to dedicate a spot here for a friend who has become near and dear to me and I am so sad she is leaving! I have met some wonderful moms through the Livermore Mom's Club and Jen is one of them. We started in this playgroup back when Massimo was 8 months old -hard to believe
and these 7 women have become such wonderful friends & mentors! So far we've had Michelle move away to Boston just a year ago and then Tricia recently moved to Mountain House and now Jen will be moving back to Minnesota. Massimo told me when I told him that we won'tbe seeing Tyler anymore after this and I tried very hard to make him understand and he said to me
"mommy, I miss Tyler" and I told him I miss Jen, too (and the twins will miss becoming better friends with Jack)! I know I can speak for all of us moms in our special playgroup that has been and continues to live on while others are moving on...Jen will be missed. We hope you will come back and visit us and make it a reunion (as we ALMOST did with Michelle and so many were bummed about that!). Thank goodness for email & blogs (thanks for getting us started on this Michelle!) because we can still feel so close even if we are so far away!

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Our Trip to the SF Aquarium by the Bay

Fun at the SF Aquarium by the Bay

We took a trip to the SF Aquarium by the Bay today to satisfy Massimo's constant wish to "see the ocean and fishies". At the end of the day we asked Massimo if he had fun (yes, of course he says) and his most favorite thing was the...scuba diver! Yes, that's all he talked about when we asked him what he saw. Of course when we jogged his memory and talked about the fish and what we did he enjoyed "finding Nemo" (one of his favorite movies - and where the fascination of scuba divers all started...don't be surprised if that's what he ends up being for Halloween!) and touching the Stingray and sharks...and outside of the aquarium he got to see trains (Bart), trolleys, buses, and of course the ocean! It was all very exciting for him to be in a big city like that with so much variety around many things to see. The twins loved it, too. Abrianna got to interact a lot more since she is walking and more able, it was a little hard to let Dante crawl so he got to snack and check it all out from stroller view. He did get out at the end in the toddler area and got to touch the sea urchins and he loved that so much! He got really excited watching all the fish swim by. It was a fun day (and tiring chasing after at least 2 and sometimes 3).